Kattenbraker Casa

Thursday, June 05, 2008

more more

Stella learned to ride her bike! She's had her training wheels off for a while, and we had practiced and practiced. Finally one day she said that she just wanted her training wheels back on, I told her when the dad gets home he'll put them back, until then lets just try once more. That was it. She suddenly got it. I could feel it in my hands as i was holding on to the seat. It was so exciting, she said that it felt like she was dreaming, and it left me wondering if thats what it feels like for a parent as the kids leave the nest, flying on their own...
The neighbors came out to celebrate Stella's accomplishment, champagne and all!

The kids love their sidewalk chalk art. I love it more.

I think she's a slight genius.

And cute to boot!


At 5:37 PM, Blogger carol b said...

Yea!!!!!!!!!! Finally, an update from the Katts!! Your new place looks so great and the kids are growing and look to be having so much fun. Hope your crazy art season is going like wildfire and you are selling lots. We will miss you in Wheaton. Love to you all.

At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so happy to see your updates and the great pics. Love you guys!! (((HUGS!!))) Sarah


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